6th Triennial of Textile Arts CALL: THEME SHIFT


The Cultural Foundation for the Textile Arts and the SAVARIA MHV MUSEUM  - ART GALLERY SZOMBATHELY organizes between the end of June 2018 and the end of October 2018 the 6th Triennial of Textile Arts at the Art Gallery Szombathely.



„ A stir, a shift off the dead centre – and some hope immediately flares up. A dead point marks a petrified or catatonic position or state, from which a stir might help take momentum and move off. In the beautiful and expressive Hungarian tongue holtpont ‘dead point’ is cold and harsh, while elmozdulás ‘shift’ is soft and gentle, heralding as it were the advent of a new era by its sound and atmosphere. A shift is the conceptual mark of upsetting a state of equilibrium. A shift in a situation or state of immobility, paralysis, seeming invariability and permanence is induced by a phenomenon or factor that leads to a radically new situation, a qualitatively new constellation. Once its significance is comprehended, it must also be realized that a shift, or shifts are constantly needed, that a shift is an indispensable factor: things simply don’t work without it, besides suddenly acquiring some new light. Nor must we forget that when there is no hope for things to shift, then we may as well shift ourselves. (What an important trope in pre-digital and pre-electronic age photography is the blur caused by the shift of the photographer or the “participant” in the picture, which often condenses more of the contents than a crystal clear snapshot.) Even if we leave the rigid, apathetic spheres of reality or pictures and enter the realm of movement, we must not lose our alertness: in the lulling state of permanent motion burdened with monotonous boring repetitions there is pressing need for sometimes tiny, hardly noticeable, and sometimes great and radical shifts. „



Tibor Wehner


We invite artists to submit projects that explore themes, concepts, life situations and phenomena linked to ' Shift '.

The jury accepts only artworks belonging to the above-mentioned ideas created between 2015 and 2018.